2017年10月26日 星期四

Feng Shui Helpful People / Travel——白龍王許少峰(鋒),風水,旅遊風水

If you landed on this page and are willing to try Feng Shui to improve your life, then you need to read on.

I am a 3rd generation Feng Shui expert and have helped thousands of people add harmony and balance to their lives through Feng Shui.

Helpful People & Travel Corner Overview

Based upon the principles of Feng Shui, when improvements are made to the Helpful People & Travel corner of your surroundings in combination with improvements made to the complementing areas, you can harness the power of those around you to help you achieve the things you want.

Are you looking for some assistance from an acquaintance to land that job you really want?

In addition, this area should be focused on when looking to get away on a vacation or make an upcoming move go smoothly.

Best Colors: White, Grey, Silver, or Black

The Helpful People & Travel area is located in the front right section of the Bagua.

When you walk into the front doorway of your home, room or office, look to your right.  That area you are now looking at is your Helpful People and Travel corner.

This area represents the energy that brings helpful people to us and guides us to helpful people on a daily basis.  It also guides us to everyday or special travel places.

Colors & Elements

In Feng Shui, the ideal colors to use in the Helpful People & Travel corner are silver and gray.

Other good color choices are white and black.

Good elements for this area are metal and water.

So maybe a silver metal water fountain would be perfect for this area (unless it is a regularly-used bedroom, because the energy of a water fountain is too active for sleep).

Guardian Angels

The Helpful People & Travel area in Feng Shui is where you want objects that represent helpful beings, such as gods, angels, and spirits.

These helpful beings may even include your ancestors or close friends who have passed away, if you think their spirit would be willing to help you in life.

Some examples of helpful beings may include a statue of Buddha (be sure it has a body and not just a head), Jesus on the cross, a picture of the Virgin Mary, a painting of Hindu deities, a medal of St. Christopher, a portrait of Grandpa Howard.

Whoever it is, think of them as your guardian angel.

Praying alters, regardless of religion, are also helpful in this corner.

This area is your connection to your guardian angels, so whatever you think would help you make that connection should work just fine.

The same as with the water fountain, however, please do not use these objects in a room that is actively used as a bedroom, as sleeping problems will likely occur.

Instead, religious objects could go in your Health Gua while water could go in your Career Gua.

Helpful People All Around

When you have the Feng Shui of this corner and other areas of your space properly balanced, you will always seem to find yourself at the right place at the right time.

When you go out, you will be greeted by friendly people that are there to help you with your needs.

You might get a helping hand from friends or family members for that big move you are doing across town.

Needless to say, you will never have to feel like saying, 「If I don't do it, it never gets done.」

To get my Helpful People area in order, I like to start by putting my contact listings, be it business or personal, in this area of my home, office or my work desk (yes, you can even Feng Shui just your desk, but more on that later).

My intention here is that these are all my helpful people who are out there to help me on my life path.

Using Thanks to Improve Individual Relationships

If you are hoping to get treated honestly and fairly at work, in a relationship or with your family, this is the area where you should put some Feng Shui attention.

In some cases, Feng Shui can help you turn around a particular relationship.

For example, if you have a client or co-worker who is turning out to be a little bit more challenging to work with than the others, then you should put a little note behind his or her business card saying, 「I am thankful that ____ is seeing things with me eye-to-eye and we have a wonderful working relationship together.」

If you do not have a business card for this person, then simply write your note on a little piece of paper with their name written on it.  Be sure to address these notes in a thankful way as if they are already happening.

I also recommend putting all of these cards or notes in a little silver box.

The silver box does not have to be seen from the room.  Rather, you can have it hidden behind or in something else in the space and it will work just fine.

Make sure to remember to change out the notes when the goal is accomplished and remember to keep it dust free and organized.

Travel: Plan Your Getaway!

If you want to go on a vacation to your dream destination, use imagery and Feng Shui to help get you there.

For instance, put a picture or travel brochure of your dream destination here and start planning to relax on that beautiful soft sandy beach in Tahiti or climb to the peak of Machu Picchu.

Travel: Your Commute and Moving

This area is not just limited to the places where you want to go on holiday.

Rather, can also be for making sure that everything goes smoothly during an upcoming move or during your everyday travels, like your commute to work, school or a friend's house.

This may be helpful if you have a particularly tough commute on the I-5 freeway, for instance!

