There is an old Chinese saying about the things that can affect your life; here is the list of 12:
一命二運三風水, (1 destiny, 2 luck cycle, 3 Feng Shui.)
四積功德五讀書。(4 accumulation of merits, 5 education)
六名七相八敬神,(6 a person's name, 7 looks and body form, 8 respect for spirits/gods)
九交貴人十養生。(9 having supportive people, 10 taking care of health)
十一擇業與擇偶,(11, career and spouse)
十二趨吉要避凶。(12 date selection)
I would like to share my personal experience about my observation about this Chinese saying.
Is everyone's life pre-determined? Long ago before I had any interest in meta physics, I met a Feng Shui Master and out of curiosity, I engaged him to read my destiny. All he needed was my date and time of birth using an ancient Chinese system call Bazi, he predicted accurately what has happened in the past, what is happening at present and he also told me what will happen in the future. I know fortune reading exists but has never done it before and having someone tell me accurately about my life is amazing. This incident caused me to ask the question 「Is everyone's life already pre-determined?」 It thus inspired me to find out the answer. I seek out different masters to learn from them and spent a great deal of time reading different books on the subject matter and in the process became good at Bazi destiny analysis reading. (Bazi /八字 is literally translated as eight character. It is derived based on a person's birthdate and time ie. year, month, day and time, each represented by 2 Chinese characters therefore eight characters.) To date, I have done thousands of destiny analysis for my clients and I have many testimonials on accuracy. If a person's life is not pre-determined, how is it that I can accurately predict events that happened to them? Therefore I believe that our life is pre-determined to a certain extent. The next important question is: Can we change our life? We shall discuss this in the following points.
Luck or luck cycle is also a very important factor that will affect the quality of life. Sometimes when something good happens to a person, people will comment that he/she is lucky. Indeed luck plays a very important part in a person's life. When we mention the word 「luck」, we somehow associate it with something at random. Luck is not random, luck is pre-determined; a complete Bazi chart will have a luck cycle chart too. Having a good destiny is not everything; it requires a good luck cycle to support it. For example, from a person's destiny we can tell that a person has potential to become very rich. However, from the luck cycle we will be able to tell when he will be rich. If a rich person goes into a very bad luck cycle, there is a possibility that he will be bankrupt too. Luck can come in the forms of wealth, health, harmony, career or relationship. In plotting a Luck cycle chart it consists of a 10-year luck, yearly luck, daily luck, bi-hourly luck, superimposed on each other and using it together with a person's destiny chart, events in a person's life can be accurately predicted (eg. marriage, offspring, divorce, bankruptcy, lawsuits, career performance etc). Yes, luck can be pre-determined and it is not at random. Before you blame all your misfortune on your luck, first find out if you can change it.
Feng shui literally translated to Wind and Water. It actually symbolizes energy and the dynamism of energy. Where there is wind there is energy movement, where there is water, energy gathers. (Many major buildings in Singapore have water feature or man-made waterfalls in auspicious location to activate and gather good energies. Take note however, that having water feature in an inauspicious location will also gather bad energies!!) Ancient wise ones found out that energy exists in us and all around us. The art of Feng Shui is the management or manipulation of energy in an environment or premise, to harmonize bad energies and to enhance good energy to the benefits of the occupants. By observing the premise and its surrounding and plotting the energy charts of the premise, a good Feng Shui master will be able to predict past, present and future events that happen in the premise accurately. Energies are classified into different elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The interaction of different energies will produce different result. Using this knowledge, the master will be able to manipulate and enhance auspicious energies and it will have a major effect on the occupants.
Some people may call this karma or the law of cause and effect. You reap what you sow. Most religion teaches us to do good and not to do bad. You may wonder that there are people out there that did a lot of bad things but they are still doing very well or are not caught. That is because they are still going through their good luck cycle which is the result of their previous good deeds done before this life or in their past lives. Once the good luck cycle is over, not only will they suffer bad luck they will also have to suffer the consequences or the bad deeds. I have also noticed people's life or luck cycle is changed due to accumulating good deeds for helping people. Some people when they do good deed, they wish that they will be rewarded and when they do bad deeds they hope that nobody notices. Most people have conscience to guide them to do good and most people are rewarded with a happy feeling for helping others. Being considerate is also part of accumulation of merits. Wise people will know that we are all connected. Harming others or the environment will cause harm to oneself. Some people believe that when a good or bad deed is done, the karma affects seven generations down, therefore you are also affected by the karmas of your ancestors. One cannot change the past but one can take positive action to change the future. Hard work or efforts also fall under this category as sometimes when one goes into bad luck cycle, he or she will have to work harder to see results. It can also be said that during the bad luck cycle one works very hard and when the good luck cycle comes again they will reap the benefits. When someone is in a good luck cycle, it is easy to see results, but if one waste the good opportunity and does not do anything constructive, this good luck cycle will be wasted. Therefore regardless of whether one is in good or bad luck cycle, one has to work hard.
We all know that education is an important factor that will affect the quality of one's life. Society rewards those that use the brain more than those that use their labour. Being educated and uneducated makes a big difference in terms of being rewarded in general. I believe we need to include skill sets as an important attribute not just education here. There are many examples of people that are not highly educated but do very well in life or even better that those that are highly educated. There is also no guarantee that one will do well if one is highly educated. Skill sets are equally important, which include ability to manage people, sales and negotiation techniques, business accruement etc. Two people born on the same day same timing with different education and skill sets leads different lives. In order to improve your life you will need to constantly upgrade your skill sets and also educate yourself continuously.
Ancient Chinese or even some modern Chinese place a lot of emphasis on a person's name. They usually try to get an auspicious name for a newborn. Some Chinese also believe that Chinese characters can be classified into different elements like metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Some experts recommend name for a child by looking at his/her destiny chart to decide what element is good for him/her and then name the child with the Chinese characters that are associated with that element. There are some schools of numerology, whereby character in names are represented by numbers and they recommend names that add up to a favorable number will be good for a person. Personally I feel it is good to have a nice sounding name too.
one of the 5 ancient arts is face or body form reading. There are some masters who can read your fortune by reading your face and body form. As we grow our face and body changes, similarly our fortune and luck changes as time go by. There are some features that will not change much, there are some features that will change quite a bit. Take a look at your pictures and see how much they have changed since your younger days. I believe that face reading is good for reading what your current luck is only because your face changes with time. For experts that are really good they can even read your energy, Qi or aura; this requires not only knowledge but certain level of spiritual cultivation. Experts like these are rare. If a person's luck can be read from his/her face, does changing a person's face also changes his/her luck? The answer is yes. For example a person's nose tip symbolizes his wealth and the ability to accumulate wealth, the fleshier it is the better. Unfortunately many people feel that sharp pointed noses are prettier. Take a look at Michael Jackson, he altered his face and alter his luck in the process. Another thing you may notice or experience in life is if a person looks good, he or she will be treated better too, have more suitors etc. One thing to take note相由心生 which means your looks changes with your heart, what is inside may eventually be reflected on the outside.
this is a very sensitive topic. Different religion has different beliefs. I shall not comment too much on this topic. Many things that happen in our lives have direct influence from spirits or gods. A good person will attract good spirits or guardian angels, a bad person on the other hand will attract the bad ones.
it means being in good company and also people who are supportive in terms of improving yourself in various aspect of your life. For example a good boss who supports you at work, a good friend who helps to encourage you when you are down, an investor who provides you finance when your company is not doing well – these are all considered as 貴人 or supportive people. One way of attracting 貴人 is to be one yourself and one also needs to have the wisdom to be in the company of the right people that are able to positively influence your life. If a person is always in bad company similarly one will attract bad luck or influence to do things that one will harm one's life or well being.
taking care of your health is one of the things that falls under common sense. It is also one of the things that is most neglected by people in modern living. When was the last time you exercise? Eating healthily is also important. Qi gong or Taiji is one of the ancient exercises that are very beneficial to health. It boosts the immune system so that one does not fall sick easily. It also improves the subtle Qi in the body. It is however important to select the right master, if one practise wrongly, it will have adverse effect on your health and life too. Usually when one's health suffers, the quality of one's life will be affected and then one will realize the importance of health. Prevention is always better then cure because there may not always be a cure.
you may wonder why does career and spouse fall under the same category – there is a Chinese saying 「男怕入錯行,女怕嫁錯郎」 which means, man is afraid of going into the wrong career and a woman is afraid of marrying the wrong man. This is a traditional and conservative mindset where in a family a man works to feed the family and woman is dependent on man. In modern living, Career and Spouse are equally important for man and woman. Choosing the right career is important, but what is the suitable career for an individual? It will depend on what is a person's training, qualification, interest, talents and many other factors. It is not just simply looking at a person's destiny chart and deciding that since the person's favourable element is metal, he/she should be in metal related trade like gold smith, steel industry or car sales. Spouse is also a very important factor, will you be able to support each other during good and bad times or is it a stressful relationship that harms each other? Choose carefully, be it your career or spouse.
Yearly, Monthly, Daily and Hourly elemental cycles have profound influence upon events and our actions. Therefore auspicious date selection for significant events is important. Date selection is the art of selecting the right timing by analyzing your birth chart using BAZI (4 Pillars of Destiny) and referencing to the Chinese Almanac (通書).
– there are also other things that are important that will affect your life too which is not mentioned in the Chinese saying. One of them is mindset – some people are positive, some people are negative, some people are overly positive till they cannot see what is realistic. Positive people in general do better than negative people. I also believe in the law of your intention – what you think affects your energy directly. What you think, you attract, that is in the forms of energy, which in turns manifest physically. People that are of a high consciousness level can have their intention manifest much faster than a person who is of low consciousness level. Let me give you examples of different level of consciousness:
a person who is angry, remains in anger and become anger itself, which attracts more anger and manifest on the physical level as violence.
a person who is angry catches himself being in anger, realize it but remains in anger because of ego.
a person who is angry catches himself in anger and decides to put down his ego and resolve the conflict peacefully.
a person who is totally conscious and do not get into the state of anger at all in the first place.
Watch what you are thinking, you are who you think you are and you are what you think.
I hope this article is useful to you. May all your wishes come true and may peace be with you.