Feng shui teaches us that everything is energy, and we are in a constant energy exchange with everything around us. Thus, it is it very important to create a feng shui home that has a happy and healthy energy.
As such, feng shui has a variety of tips for a happy feng shui home, all based on the fact that if you live in a healthy and happy feng shui home, your own energy will inevitably become healthy and happy.
Have you noticed how happy people change the energy of the room when they come in?
And how you become happier and more optimistic when you hang out with your happy friends?
This is happening because you are in a constant energy exchange with everything that surrounds you - people, animals, buildings, trees, etc.
Now is the best time to do yourself a big favor and use feng shui to create the ultimate happy feng shui friend - your own home.
The more you know about the anatomy of your space, i.e. feng shui bagua, the more you can achieve in terms of establishing a healthy and nourishing relationship with your home. This new relationship will beneficially reflect in all areas of your life: your love life, your career, the relationship with your children, and many other areas.
If you are just beginning to explore feng shui and are curious what can it do for you, here are two essential feng shui starting points:ⅠCONNECT to your home just like you would connect to a person.Ask, listen and pay attention.
If you are just beginning to explore feng shui and are curious what can it do for you, here are two essential feng shui starting points:ⅠCONNECT to your home just like you would connect to a person.Ask, listen and pay attention.
Look and see which feng shui areas of your home are hurting. By hurt I mean they are not working well, not looking good, you don't like to spend time there, etc. Just like the pain in one part of your body stops the energy flow in the whole body, the same happens with the feng shui of your home.
As every part of your home is connected to a specific part of your life (for example, the East feng shui area is connected to your health & family life) ; low energy in a specific feng shui part of your home will start reflecting in lower energy or blockages in specific areas of your life.ⅡACCEPT whatever state your home is in without a strong emotional responseJust do your best to witness it without judgement.
As every part of your home is connected to a specific part of your life (for example, the East feng shui area is connected to your health & family life) ; low energy in a specific feng shui part of your home will start reflecting in lower energy or blockages in specific areas of your life.ⅡACCEPT whatever state your home is in without a strong emotional responseJust do your best to witness it without judgement.
Let's say you hate to see that bathroom upstairs, but you are also resistant to deal with it. No matter what the reason is, be it time, money, low self-esteem or all of the above, just accept your feelings about it. Then find some time to sit down and write several feng shui steps you need to go through to fix the bathroom and make it look beautiful. Again, try to define it with no emotional attachment, look at it as a job you have to do, a little (or big!) project you have to manage.
Strong emotions will most probably come to the surface, and you will have to be ready to let them flow, but do not let them stop you from what you are doing to use feng shui to heal your home, thus specific parts of your life.
Strong emotions will most probably come to the surface, and you will have to be ready to let them flow, but do not let them stop you from what you are doing to use feng shui to heal your home, thus specific parts of your life.
After you have experienced these two feng shui essentials, get started with these basic feng shui steps and know that your life will change!
Feng shui for home is one of the most efficient therapies ever - you work on the house, but what you are actually doing is healing your own life - your past hurt, pain, sorrow, blockages, whatever it is that you have accumulated over the years; and are now creating a fresh new feng shui space to happily manifest your dreams.Long Press to Follow