There's a tremendous amount you can tell about how someone views things like sex, kids, love and even how much they want to be in any type of relationship just from walking around their bedroom — despite what they say.
But is it really fair or accurate to judge someone based on his or her bedroom?
Nope. People want what they want and no one is right or wrong for what they want. It is interesting, though, when people say they want something — love, kids, a long-term commitment — and their bedroom screams otherwise in rather vibrant feng shui language.
Today, I want to share with you some big red flags of romance I have seen time and time again that should raise your feng shui’d awareness when you're dating or are in a relationship. If you have a fabulous partner with one of the red flags, I wouldn't be that concerned, as long as that one red flag isn't a deal-breaking flag.
If you see more than one red flag, it's worth paying attention. I’ve had clients and readers ask me if it was “that bad” if their new boyfriend had a crazy bedroom setup, only to come back later to say that they should have known better. So, now you'll know!
Some feng shui bedroom red flags for relationships:
- There's one nightstand or no nightstands.
2. The bed has smashed up against a wall, with only one way into the bed.
People with these beds up against a wall don’t always really want a relationship, or at least not a balanced one. You're trapped in their bed if you sleep against the wall. You are out on a limb if you sleep on the outside. It's not the best situation.
3. The bed is on the floor, with no bed frame
This is what I call squatting. If you're casually dating, this can be fun and childlike in its romance. It's typically not the makings of a solid life partner’s foundation. Same thing goes for a bed without a headboard. If you don’t have one, get one or make one. A solid headboard creates far more security and soundness for a bed, and for you!
4. If you see a giant (or any) TV in the bedroom, this isn't a good thing.
It's very easy to avoid intimacy when you have a huge TV that can fill the room with noise and distraction.
5. Follow me on this one: The bed is placed with its headboard on the wall to the left of the entrance-door wall.
The headboard isn't up against the wall of the entrance door, but, rather, against the wall to your left. This is the ultimate bed position of someone who wants to “hang out.” Relationships can definitely work in this position if they're based on strong friendships. But if you're “hanging out” for ages and want a committed relationship, this bed position is not the greatest thing to see.
6. There's work in bed: laptops, books and papers.
People who sleep with their work tend to have no boundaries when it comes to their job, and a strong identity attachment to it that's larger than themselves. Even the biggest workaholic should get at least an hour’s distance between work and sleep. It’s a fixable red flag for many who are willing to see their relationship and their personal well-being as a priorities.
If you're reading this and saying, “But… there's no other way to set up this bedroom, so he/she has no choice…” I'll say this: we pick our spaces. On some level we find a space that mirrors where we are in life for all its greatness and its quirks. That said, every single space can be improved!
Also, if you're stuck in a dating rut, you may want to look at your own bedroom — and life — and see why you keep attracting the same situations. Balance, love and feng shui shifts — as well as all good things we want to experience — tend to start from our own selves first.
Good luck in love!